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Kevin John Barrett

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Kevin John Barrett har 28 publikasjoner ved NILU:

Air quality and health for urban influenced populations. Commuting and spatial scale as influences on estimated exposure/health.

Barrett, K.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; de Leeuw, F.; Barmpas, P.; Fiala, J.; Horálek, J.; Kent, A.; Kurfurst, P.; Larssen, S.; Mattai, J.; Stedman, J.; Vlachokostas, C.


Tilførsler av olje og miljøfarlige kjemikalier til norske havområder, fase II.

Molvær, J.; Barret, K.; Barkved, L.; Iosjpe, M.; Jantsch, T.G.; Kaste, Ø.; Saloranta,T.; Selvik, J.R.; Skaare, B.B.; Wehde, H.


Health impacts and air pollution – An exploration of factors influencing estimates of air pollution impact upon the health of European citizens.

Barrett, K.; de Leeuw, F.; Fiala, J.; Larssen, S.; Sundvor, I.; Fjellsbø, L.; Dusinska, M.; Ostatnicka, J.; Horalek, J.; Cernikovsky, L.; Barmpas, F.; Moussipoulos, N.; Vlahocostas, C.


Air pollution in Europe 1990-2004.

Adams, M.; Barrett, K.; van het Bolscher, Larssen, S.; de Leeuw, F.; Pulles, T.; van Loon, M.; van Pul, A.; Swart, R.


European Environmental Outlook 2005: Background document air quality 1990-2030.

Eerens, H.; Petroula, D.; Cofala, J.; Kalognomou, L.; Larssen, S.; van Pul, A.; Giannouli, M.; Mellios, G.; Jonson, J.F.; Swart, R.; van Bree, L.; Hettelingh, J.-P.; de Leeuw, F.; Cabala, R.; Klimont, Z.; Schoepp, W.; Moussiopoulos, N.; Samaras, Z.; Eleftheriadou, S.; Barret, K.; Tarrasón, L.; Dentener, F.,, van Dingenen, R.; Krol, M.; Adams, M.


Group report: Global change and the European coast – climate change and economic development.

Rochelle-Newall, E.; Klein, R.J.T.; Nicholls, R.J.; Barrett, K.; Behrendt, H.; Bresser, T.H.M.; Cieslak, A.; de Bruin, E.F.L.M.; Edwards, T.; Herman, P.M.J.; Laane, R.P.W.M.; Ledoux, L.; Lindeboom, H.; Lise, W.; Moncheva, S.; Moschella, P.S.; Stive, M.J.F.; Vermaar, J.E.


Group report: Institutional and capacity requirements for implementation of the Water Framework Directory.

Lise, W.; Timmerman, J.; Vermaat, J.E.; O'Riordan, T.; Edwards, T.; de Bruin, E.F.L.M.; Kontogianni, A.D.; Barrett, K.; Bresser, T.H.M.; Rochelle-Newall, E.


National assessment report for Norway.

Schaug, J.; Solberg, S.; Tørseth, K.; Barrett, K.; Hole, L.; Aas, W.


National assessments Norway.

Schaug, J.; Solberg, S.; Tørseth, K.; Barrett, K.; Hole, L.; Aas, W.


National assessments, Norway. Poster presentation.

Schaug, J.; Solberg, S.; Tørseth, K.; Barret, K.; Hole, L.; Aas, W.


Air quality in Europe. State and trends 1990-99.

Larssen, S.; Barrett, K. J.; Fiala, J.; Goodwin, J.; Hagen, L. O.; Henriksen, J. F.; de Leeuw, F.; Tarrasón, L.


Transboundary photo-oxidants in Europe. EMEP summary report 2000.

Grini, A.; Jonson, J. E.; Simpson, D.; Tsyro, S.; Unger, S.; Andersson-Sköld, Y.; Barrett, K.; Hjellbrekke, A.-G.; Semb, A.; Solberg, S.; Emberson, L.; Ashmore, M.


Transboundary acidification and eutrophication in Europe. EMEP summary report 2000.

Tarrasón, L.; Schaug, J. (eds.) , Barrett, K.; Bartnicki, J.; Grini, A.; Hjellbrekke, A.-G.; Jonson, J. E.; Lenschow, H. S.; Olendrzynski, K.; Posch, M.; Semb, A.; Støren, E.; Tsyro, S.; Vestreng, V.; Aas, W.


Kevin John Barrett har 28 publikasjoner ved NILU:

Air quality and health for urban influenced populations. Commuting and spatial scale as influences on estimated exposure/health.

Barrett, K.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; de Leeuw, F.; Barmpas, P.; Fiala, J.; Horálek, J.; Kent, A.; Kurfurst, P.; Larssen, S.; Mattai, J.; Stedman, J.; Vlachokostas, C.


Tilførsler av olje og miljøfarlige kjemikalier til norske havområder, fase II.

Molvær, J.; Barret, K.; Barkved, L.; Iosjpe, M.; Jantsch, T.G.; Kaste, Ø.; Saloranta,T.; Selvik, J.R.; Skaare, B.B.; Wehde, H.


Health impacts and air pollution – An exploration of factors influencing estimates of air pollution impact upon the health of European citizens.

Barrett, K.; de Leeuw, F.; Fiala, J.; Larssen, S.; Sundvor, I.; Fjellsbø, L.; Dusinska, M.; Ostatnicka, J.; Horalek, J.; Cernikovsky, L.; Barmpas, F.; Moussipoulos, N.; Vlahocostas, C.


Air pollution in Europe 1990-2004.

Adams, M.; Barrett, K.; van het Bolscher, Larssen, S.; de Leeuw, F.; Pulles, T.; van Loon, M.; van Pul, A.; Swart, R.


European Environmental Outlook 2005: Background document air quality 1990-2030.

Eerens, H.; Petroula, D.; Cofala, J.; Kalognomou, L.; Larssen, S.; van Pul, A.; Giannouli, M.; Mellios, G.; Jonson, J.F.; Swart, R.; van Bree, L.; Hettelingh, J.-P.; de Leeuw, F.; Cabala, R.; Klimont, Z.; Schoepp, W.; Moussiopoulos, N.; Samaras, Z.; Eleftheriadou, S.; Barret, K.; Tarrasón, L.; Dentener, F.,, van Dingenen, R.; Krol, M.; Adams, M.


Group report: Global change and the European coast – climate change and economic development.

Rochelle-Newall, E.; Klein, R.J.T.; Nicholls, R.J.; Barrett, K.; Behrendt, H.; Bresser, T.H.M.; Cieslak, A.; de Bruin, E.F.L.M.; Edwards, T.; Herman, P.M.J.; Laane, R.P.W.M.; Ledoux, L.; Lindeboom, H.; Lise, W.; Moncheva, S.; Moschella, P.S.; Stive, M.J.F.; Vermaar, J.E.


Group report: Institutional and capacity requirements for implementation of the Water Framework Directory.

Lise, W.; Timmerman, J.; Vermaat, J.E.; O'Riordan, T.; Edwards, T.; de Bruin, E.F.L.M.; Kontogianni, A.D.; Barrett, K.; Bresser, T.H.M.; Rochelle-Newall, E.


National assessment report for Norway.

Schaug, J.; Solberg, S.; Tørseth, K.; Barrett, K.; Hole, L.; Aas, W.


National assessments Norway.

Schaug, J.; Solberg, S.; Tørseth, K.; Barrett, K.; Hole, L.; Aas, W.


National assessments, Norway. Poster presentation.

Schaug, J.; Solberg, S.; Tørseth, K.; Barret, K.; Hole, L.; Aas, W.


Air quality in Europe. State and trends 1990-99.

Larssen, S.; Barrett, K. J.; Fiala, J.; Goodwin, J.; Hagen, L. O.; Henriksen, J. F.; de Leeuw, F.; Tarrasón, L.


Transboundary photo-oxidants in Europe. EMEP summary report 2000.

Grini, A.; Jonson, J. E.; Simpson, D.; Tsyro, S.; Unger, S.; Andersson-Sköld, Y.; Barrett, K.; Hjellbrekke, A.-G.; Semb, A.; Solberg, S.; Emberson, L.; Ashmore, M.


Transboundary acidification and eutrophication in Europe. EMEP summary report 2000.

Tarrasón, L.; Schaug, J. (eds.) , Barrett, K.; Bartnicki, J.; Grini, A.; Hjellbrekke, A.-G.; Jonson, J. E.; Lenschow, H. S.; Olendrzynski, K.; Posch, M.; Semb, A.; Støren, E.; Tsyro, S.; Vestreng, V.; Aas, W.