Serie: NILU rapport 3/2020
Utgiver: NILU
År: 2020
ISBN: 978-82-425-2999-2
NILU has performed dispersion calculations for emissions of NOx, SOx and particles to air from Mongstad refinery north of Bergen on the west coast of Norway. Hourly mean concentrations have been calculated using the Gaussian model CONCX. All hourly mean values are below Norwegian threshold values. Regional model calculations using the WRF-EMEP model system, show low values of NOx, SOx and particles in the vicinity of the Mongstad refinery. All calculated values are below Norwegian threshold values. Deposition calculations show that 12 % of nitrogen, 17 % of sulphur and 18 % of PM10 from Mongstad are deposited within the innermost model grid (105 x 105 km2). As an additional study, the components lead, mercury, chromium, PCB7, cadmium and arsenic have been assessed. The contribution from Mongstad refinery is small.