Serie: NILU rapport 29/2022
Utgiver: NILU
År: 2023
ISBN: 978-82-425-3104-9
The main aim of this report is to prepare for the proposed SGA #17 of the Caroline Herschel Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake Work Programme 2020 named “Arctic peat- and forest-fire information system”. First, we summarize the scientific background of wildfires in the Arctic and the Northern boreal zone and describe observations of long-range transport of forest fire pollution. This is followed by an overview of satellite data and resources available for fire monitoring in these regions. This covers the fire ECVs, as well as smoke plume tracers. Furthermore, we list CAMS and CEMS resources, i.e., GWIS, EFFIS (including the latest country report for Norway), and GFAS, as well as other fire emission inventories. Knowledge gaps and limitations of satellite remote sen.sing, future missions, Norwegian user uptake and user groups are described.