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Fant 9614 publikasjoner. Viser side 2 av 385:


WP3 Data Management. Powerpoint presentation. NILU F

Vik, A.F.; Krognes, T.; Walker, S.E.; Bårde, T.; Paltiel, R.


WP10 - ACTRIS Data Centre.

Myhre, C.L.; Mona, L.; O'Connor, E.J.; Descloitres, J.


WP 4 MASURIN. The Urber Tool. NILU OR

Jablonska, H.; Wathne, B.; Guerreiro, C.; Bjørkenes, A.; Kompala, J.; Lipowczan, A.; Swider, J.; Wywiol, P.


WP 1.4.1: Visualization of modelled SEVIRI IR-scenes for quality control. NILU OR

Kylling, A.

The SEVIRI instrument produces infrared images. The report describes how the RTTOV radiative transfer model is used to simulate SEVIRI images for an ash situation.


WP 1.2 Operationalization of satellite-based volcanic ash measurements. NILU OR

Kylling, A.; Sollum, E.; Eckhardt, P.

Data from the SEVIRI instrument is available at NILU through EUMETCast. These data are processed at NILU to retrieve volcanic ash loading in a satellite pixel. The report describes operationalization and automatization of the data processing algorithms at NILU including how the data are made available for the Norwegian Meterological Institute.


Worldwide trend of atmospheric mercury since 1977.

Slemr, F.; Brunke, E.G.; Ebinghaus, R.; Temme, C.; Munthe, J.; Wängberg, I.; Schroeder, W.; Steffen, A.; Berg, T.


World Data Centre for Aerosol: Status & News 2018

Fiebig, Markus; Fjæraa, Ann Mari; Tørseth, Kjetil; Aas, Wenche


World Data Centre for Aerosol: Status & News 2014. NILU F

Fiebig, M.; Fjæraa, A.M.; Tørseth, K.


World Data Centre for Aerosol: Status & News 2014. NILU F

Fiebig, M.; Fjæraa, A.M.; Tørseth, K.


Workshop proceedings. 2nd EIONET workshop on air quality monitoring and assessment Brussels, 22-23 September 1997. EEA Technical Report, 13

Larssen, S.; Potma, C.; Sluyter, R.; Stevenson, K.


Workshop on Nitrogen Deposition, Critical Loads and Biodiversity: Scientific Synthesis and Summary for Policy Makers.

Hick, W.K.; Haeuber, R.; Sutton, M.A.; Aas, W.; Barber, M.; Baron, J.S.; Blett, T.; Carou, S.; Clair, T.; Erisman, J.W.; Leach, A.; Galloway, J.N.


Workshop on emerging pollutants in non-industrial indoor environments. NORMAN workshop report. NILU report

Bohlin-Nizzetto, P.

This workshop aimed to identify the current state of the art plus knowledge gaps and needs within the research field of CECs, covering both ¿old¿ and emerging SVOCs and NVOCs in non-industrial indoor environments. Further, it aimed to promote awareness of emerging pollutants in non-industrial indoor environments and the exchange of knowledge/ information, and to encourage enhanced collaboration by bringing together scientists in the field of CECs in indoor environments with expertise from building and consumer product sectors and stakeholders/regulatory authorities.


Work shop on air quality modelling. NILU F

Randall, S.; Sivertsen, B.; Bartonova, A.

