Fant 2585 publikasjoner. Viser side 240 av 259:
The effect of brominated flame retardants on neurotransmitter uptake into rat brain synaptosomes and vesicles.
Mariussen, E.; Fonnum, F.
Vitenskapelig tidsskriftspublikasjon
Chemical composition of size-resolved atmospheric aerosols in the eastern Mediterranean during summer and winter.
Bardouki, H.; Liakakou, H.; Economou, C.; Sciare, J.; Smolik, J.; Zdimal, V.; Eleftheriadis, K.; Lazaridis, M.; Dye, C.; Mihalopoulos, N.
Numerical methods in electromagnetic scattering theory.
Kahnert, F.M.
Surface-integral formulation for electromegnetic scattering in spheroidal coordinates.
Kahnert, F.M.; Stamnes, J.J.; Stamnes, K.
Springtime depletion of mercury in the European Arctic as observed at Svalbard.
Berg, T.; Sekkesæter, S.; Steinnes, E.; Valdal, A.K.; Wibetoe, G.
Temporal and spatial trends in Hg deposition monitored by moss analysis.
Steinnes, E.; Berg, T.; Sjøbakk, T.E.
Implementation of slope irradiance in Mesoscale Model version 5 and its effect on temperature and wind fields during the breakup of a temperature inversion.
Hauge, G.; Hole, L.R.
Global distribution and budget of PCBs and HCB in background surface soils: implications for sources and environmental processes.
Meijer, S.N.; Ockenden, W.A.; Sweetman, A.; Breivik, K.; Grimalt, J.O.; Jones, K.C.
The global re-cycling of persistent organic pollutants is strongly retarded by soils.
Ockenden, W.A.; Breivik, K.; Meijer, S.N.; Steinnes, E.; Sweetman, A.J.; Jones, K.C.
Polychlorinated camphenes (toxaphenes), polybrominated diphenylethers and other halogenated organic pollutants in glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus) from Svalbard and Bjornoya (Bear Island).
Herzke, D.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Evenset, A.; Burkow, I.C.