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ETC Human health and the environment (ETC HE)


Webside: https://www.eionet.europa.eu/etcs/etc-he

Status: Pågående

Prosjektperiode: 2022–2026

Oppdragsgiver: Andre

Ansvarlig institusjon: NILU

Samarbeidspartnere: 4sfera Innova Sociedad Limitada, Aether Limited - Aether, Autonomous University of Barcelona - UAB, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute – CHMI, Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO), German Federal Environment Agency – UBA, klarFakt e.U., National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks (INERIS), STPH - Swiss Tropical and Public Health Inst., Sveits

The European Topic Centre on Human Health and the Environment (ETC HE) is a Consortium of 10 partners with expertise in air quality, air pollution, industrial emissions, chemicals, noise and environmental health.

The lead institution of the ETC HE is the Environment and Climate Institute NILU (NO), supported by the German Environment Agency who acts as a scientific co-coordinator.

The ETC HE assists the European Environment Agency (EEA) in the following areas:

– Better understanding of health impacts form environment and climate pressures

– Benefits to well-being delivered by healthy environments

– Supporting policy implementation: Air quality, Air pollutant emissions, Chemicals, Environmental noise, Industrial releases

– Exploring links between environment/climate pressures and social inequalities, socio-economic dimensions

– Zero pollution ambition for a toxic free environment

– Chemical strategy for sustainability

– Just transition.

Oppdatert: 09.12.2024

ETC Human health and the environment har 24 publikasjoner ved NILU:

Air quality maps of EEA member and cooperating countries for 2022. PM10, PM2.5, O3, NO2, NOx and BaP spatial estimates and their uncertainties

Horálek, Jan; Schreiberova, Marketa; Benesova, Nina; Schneider, Philipp; Kurfürst, Pavel; Tognet, Frédéric; Vlcek, Ondrej; Schovánková, Jana; Vivanco, Marta García; Theobald, Marc; Gil, Victoria


Air quality around ports

Pozzoli, Luca; Gressent, Alicia; Soares, Joana; Colette, Augustin; Monge, Silvia; Ortiz, Alberto González


Interim air quality maps of EEA member and cooperating countries for 2023. PM, O3, and NO2 spatial estimates

Horálek, Jan; Vlasakova, Leona; Schreiberova, Marketa; Schneider, Philipp; Benesova, Nina; Vlcek, Ondrej


Assessing the environmental burden of disease related to air pollution in Europe in 2022

Soares, Joana; Plass, Dietrich; Kienzler, Sarah; Ortiz, Alberto González; Gsella, Artur; Horálek, Jan


Climate health risks to children and adolescents: exposures, policy and practice interventions

Graber, Juliette; Widmer, Kaja; Walker, Julia; Vounatsou, Penelope; Pozzoli, Luca


Air quality maps of EEA member and cooperating countries for 2021. PM10, PM2.5, O3, NO2, NOx and BaP spatial estimates and their uncertainties

Horálek, Jan; Vlasakova, Leona; Schreiberova, Marketa; Benesova, Nina; Schneider, Philipp; Kurfürst, Pavel; Tognet, Frédéric; Schovánková, Jana; Vlcek, Ondrej; Vivanco, Marta García; Theobald, Mark; Gil, Victoria


European cities air quality ranking: a new methodology

Soares, Joana; Ortiz, Alberto González; Horálek, Jan; Schneider, Philipp; Schreiberova, Marketa


Status report of air quality in Europe for year 2023, using validated and up-to-date data

Targa, Jaume; Colina, María; Banyuls, Lorena; Ortiz, Alberto González; Soares, Joana


Health Risk Assessment of Air Pollution: assessing the environmental burden of disease in Europe in 2021

Soares, Joana; Plass, Dietrich; Kienzler, Sarah; Ortiz, Alberto González; Gsella, Artur; Horálek, Jan


City-level mapping of air quality at fine spatial resolution – the Prague case study. NO2, PM10 and PM2.5 maps on a 100 m spatial grid.

Horálek, Jan; Damaskova, Dasa; Schneider, Philipp; Kurfürst, Pavel; Schreiberova, Marketa; Vlcek, Ondrej


Status report of air quality in Europe for year 2022, using validated and up-to-date data

Targa, Jaume; Ripoll, Anna; Banyuls, Lorena; Ortiz, Alberto González; Soares, Joana


Status report of air quality in Europe for year 2021, using validated data

Targa, Jaume; Ripoll, Anna; Banyuls, Lorena; Ortiz, Alberto González; Soares, Joana


Interim European air quality maps for 2021. PM10, NO2 and ozone spatial estimates based on non-validated UTD data.

Horálek, Jan; Vlasakova, Leona; Schreiberova, Marketa; Schneider, Philipp; Damaskova, Dasa


European air quality maps for 2020. PM10, PM2.5, Ozone, NO2, NOx and Benzo(a)pyrene spatial estimates and their uncertainties.

Horálek, Jan; Vlasakova, Leona; Schreiberova, Marketa; Markova, Jana; Schneider, Philipp; Kurfürst, Pavel; Tognet, Frédéric; Schovánková, Jana; Vlcek, Ondrej; Damaskova, Dasa


Initial studies to update the European AQ city viewer

Soares, Joana; Schneider, Philipp; Horálek, Jan; Malherbe, Laure; González Ortiz, Alberto; Liberti, Luca; Gsella, Artur


Chemical risk indicator scoping study Scoping study to develop an indicator on the risk of chemicals on ecosystems

Andres, Sandrine; Kotschik, Pia; Malherbe, Laure; Heimstad, Eldbjørg Sofie; Halvorsen, Helene Lunder; Nipen, Maja; Balde, Mamadou-Bailo; Arts, Gertie; Carré, Aurélien; Vuaille, Jeanne; Trier, Xenia


Health Risk Assessment of Air Pollution and the Impact of the New WHO Guidelines

Soares, Joana; Ortiz, Alberto González; Gsella, Artur; Horálek, Jan; Plass, Dietrich; Kienzler, Sarah


How will 2021 WHO Air Quality Guidelines impact the health impact assessment by the European Environment Agency

Soares, Joana; Gsella, Artur; Horálek, Jan; Guerreiro, Cristina; Ortiz, Alberto González


Developments in health risk assessment due to PM2.5 exposure by the European Environment Agency

Soares, Joana; Gsella, Artur; Horálek, Jan; Guerreiro, Cristina; Ortiz, Alberto González


Status report of air quality in Europe for year 2020, using validated data

Targa, Jaume; Ripoll, Anna; Banyuls, Lorena; Ortiz, Alberto González; Soares, Joana


Status report of air quality in Europe for year 2021, using validated and up-to-date data

Targa, Jaume; Ripoll, Anna; Banyuls, Lorena; Ortiz, Alberto González; Soares, Joana